Collection: TIRES & TYRES

If you're into restoring vintage bicycles, you already know that finding the right wheel or tire size can be your biggest challenge.  Since it is getting increasingly difficult to find new parts for old bicycles, we wanted to keep these parts available for purchase as long as possible.  Whether it is new or used, we hope you will be able to find what you are looking for.  Check back often or send me an email if you are looking for something...wheely.

Most who visit this page are simply looking to find a tire that fits their current bicycle. Sounds easy, but it's not. More than once have I heard stories of customers buying the wrong size tire (twice) before finding the one that fits. This is largely due to the many tires labelled as 26", of which only one is readily available at most shops. The best way to be sure you are getting the correct or email me, and we will walk through it together so you can get the tire you need, right, the first time.

If you want more information on tire sizing, the best place to start is with Sheldon Brown's excellent article: Sheldon Brown's Tire Sizing System